about us

SoulSkin Essentials is a Danish skin care and lifestyle brand, as well as a holistic wellness universe, created with a desire to promote natural beauty by combining the ancient beauty principles and rituals of the East, with today's well-being and self-care.

We believe in clean beauty and natural slow ageing, as well as how important it is to look after yourself and meet your own needs. SoulSkin Essentials gives you the essential tools to help you create healthy and self-loving routines and rituals.

Our philosophy

Our philosophy is based on the fact that beauty comes from within, and in order to achieve healthy skin and a natural, beautiful glow, we must focus on our inner balance, as one's lifestyle, emotions and stress are to that extent reflected in our skin and radiance .

Our desire is to give you the opportunity to create self-loving moments in your everyday life, where you can give yourself the opportunity to take a step back and give yourself time and peace to practice small well-being rituals that give you energy and energy to tackle everyday challenges. These little self-loving wellness rituals will eventually manifest into a lovely sense of balance, well-being and peace of mind.

Meet our founder

My name is Katja Valentina and I am the founder of SoulSkin Essentials. I am a certified facial yoga and Gua Sha teacher, and the face behind @holisticskinhabits. I am a supporter of 'slow aging' and natural beauty, and that each of us has the opportunity to achieve the best for ourselves when it comes to health, well-being and beauty. In addition, I have always been fascinated by the connection between body and mind, and especially been fascinated by the ancient beauty principles and rituals of the East, and their way of keeping the face, body and mind healthy.

I quickly noticed the connection between a balanced, healthy lifestyle and the skin when I started practicing yoga and mindfulness back in 2014, and especially when I started eating plant-based in 2016. Since then, I have taken a great personal interest in the connection between skin and well-being, which has since become my greatest passion and lifestyle.

As the founder of SoulSkin Essentials, I want to share my passion with you, and give you the tools to create an inner balance, beautiful skin and develop a simple and personal habit for self-care and self-love rituals that fit into even the busiest of days.

Book mig ind til dine events og workshops

Med en passion for holistisk sundhed og mange års erfaring inden for undervisning og praktisk anvendelse af disse teknikker, tilbyder jeg inspirerende og transformerende oplevelser for deltagerne. Uanset om det er en lille intim workshop eller et stort retreat, tilpasser jeg indholdet til jeres behov og skaber en unik og berigende oplevelse for alle involverede. Du velkommen til at kontakte mig for at diskutere mulighederne og skræddersy et program, der passer til dine behov. 

Kontakt mig på katja@soulskin-essentials.dk

Er du på udkig efter en ekspert til at berige dine events, retreats eller workshops med værdifulde teknikker inden for holistisk livsstil og velvære? Så har du fundet den rette! Jeg tilbyder undervisning og guidede sessioner i en række effektive metoder, der fremmer sundhed og balance, både fysisk og mentalt.

Gua Sha eller Ansigts Cupping 

Lær kunsten at anvende Gua Sha eller Ansigts Cupping - Begge som har rødder Traditionel Kinesisk Medicin, der bruges som alternativ ansigtsbehandling for at forbedre blodcirkulationen, lindre muskelspændinger og fremme en sund og strålende hud. Mine workshops guider deltagerne gennem både de grundlæggende og avancerede teknikker, så de kan opleve de mange fordele ved begge praksis på egen krop.

Facial Reflexology

Dyk ned i verdenen af facial reflexology, hvor jeg lærer deltagerne at anvende trykpunktsmassage på ansigtet for at fremme heling og balance i hele kroppen. Denne teknik, der kombinerer viden fra traditionel kinesisk medicin og moderne neurovidenskab, kan hjælpe med at reducere stress, forbedre søvn og øge generel velvære.

Holistisk Livsstil og Velvære

Jeg tilbyder omfattende vejledning i, hvordan man integrerer holistiske principper i hverdagen for at opnå en sundere og mere balanceret livsstil. Mine sessioner dækker alt fra kost og motion til mental sundhed og mindfulness, og giver praktiske råd og værktøjer, som deltagerne kan anvende med det samme.


Oplev kraften i breathwork, en praksis der bruger kontrollerede åndedrætsteknikker til at reducere stress, forbedre fokus og fremme følelsesmæssig heling. Jeg guider deltagerne gennem forskellige åndedrætsøvelser, der kan hjælpe med at frigive ophobet spænding, øge energiniveauet og skabe en dybere forbindelse til sig selv.