Facial Reflexology, like Gua Sha, has roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and has been practiced as an alternative healing method for many thousands of years. Traditional Chinese Medicine sees our face as a microsystem of the internal organs, where different areas of the face correspond to different organs. The method is practiced by stimulating meridian and reflex points on the face and thus sending a signal to the brain's limbic system, thereby achieving healing, balance and well-being. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is energetic blockages and stagnations that are stuck in the body and cause imbalance, and these blockages are then released when we work with Facial Reflexology.
Facial Reflexology is effective against symptoms, chronic conditions and emotional problems such as stress, anti-aging, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, inflammation, stagnation and much more. Everyone can practice Facial Reflexology, as it is a gentle and painless practice, and completely without side effects, however there are some points that you must be careful or completely avoid if you are pregnant. This method is not a medical substitute, and you should therefore always get guidance from your doctor if you experience severe symptoms.
What are the benefits of Facial Reflexology?
You can achieve many beauty and health benefits by practicing Facial Reflexology daily or weekly, including:
- Improve sleep quality
- Increase energy levels
- Reduce jaw tension
- Pain relief
- Achieve nicer skin and skin texture
- Clear the sinuses
- Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system
- Improve digestion
- Reduce PMS & menstrual cramps
- Eliminate toxins in the body
- Improve cell replacement, which is vital for healthy and beautiful skin
- Increases fresh blood and oxygen supply to the skin cells
- Muscle relaxation
How do you practice Facial Reflexology on your own body?
Facial Reflexology can be practiced by everyone, however, you have to be a bit careful if you are pregnant, and therefore you should seek guidance from your doctor before starting your practice.
You can either use your fingers or our Facial AcuPen , which is specially developed to work with Facial Reflexology. Via a Facial Reflexology protocol, you can find the various points that correspond to the internal organs, and thus work from the symptoms that you would like to heal and balance.
You can advantageously buy our Facial Reflexology e-guide here, which goes into more depth about this method and gives you 6 wonderful tutorials that you can practice on yourself.