Cupping is an alternative healing method of the body that originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The original practice is performed on the back and legs and involves suctioning the skin from the rest of the connective tissue to bring blood flow to the area to promote QI. In addition to giving the body microcirculation, the method also helps to promote lymphatic drainage, the cleansing of waste substances, resolve stagnation in the muscles and reduce inflammation in the body.
The same principle is also used for facial cupping, where silicone cups are used instead of glass. Microcirculation is important for our face, as it helps to stimulate natural collagen production and elasticity in the skin. As we lose this naturally with age, a frequent facial cupping treatment helps to produce this, as well as supply fresh blood, nutrition and oxygen to the cells, resulting in a more toned and fresh appearance. Facial cupping also has the advantage that it reduces stagnant fat from e.g. the chin, which has become stuck in the connective tissue, and also fluid.
Facial cupping can be practiced every day, or at least recommended 3-4 times a week to get the best result. Use a good and nourishing face oil before, so it's easier to make the cup slide over the skin.
Our Facial AcuCups come in 2 different sizes: The large cup is for the chest, neck and the larger areas of the face (chin, jaw, cheek and forehead), while the mini cup is used for the eye area, the lips and the parts of the face that are more difficult to come to. Facial AcuCups can be purchased here.